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Get ready for season four!

We’re back with more stories behind the technology, policy, and market forces that are changing the grid.

Brad Langley

Brad Langley

VP Marketing

Over the past three seasons of With Great Power, we’ve met some of the incredible people working to make our power grid smarter, cleaner, and more resilient.

We’ve examined the complexity of policy and regulation. We tackled the challenges of adopting new technologies like artificial intelligence. And we’ve heard powerful stories of both personal and professional transformation.

We need to build the grid of the future today – but it’s not easy.

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll profile some of the most innovative utilities and technology providers. We’ll learn about cutting-edge approaches to energy storage and vehicle-to-grid deployments. And we’ll hear from regulators and energy providers grappling with growing demand, rising rates, and increasing climate threats.

Listen to the season 4 trailer and subscribe to the show on Apple, Spotify, or any other podcast app.


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We are GridX

Unparalleled Accuracy

Unparalleled Accuracy

We process hundreds of thousands of data points to get bill impact projections down to the penny.

Single Source of Rates Truth

Single Source of Rates Truth

We use smart meter data to perform actual and hypothetical billing across all rates and tariffs, for every utility customer.

Complex Energy Scenarios

Complex Energy Scenarios

We get more EVs on the road, increase DER penetration and help customers shift energy use to when its cleanest.

Real-Time Analysis

Real-Time Analysis

We instantly deliver immense intelligence to optimize the implementation and marketing of modern rate plans.

Super Flexible Integration

Super Flexible Integration

We use APIs to seamlessly integrate with any CIS, billing or customer engagement technology.

End-to-End Coverage

End-to-End Coverage

We offer a complete suite of cloud based products to streamline the Utility Rate Lifecyle.