Complex Billing Simplified
Simplify your invoicing and billing system with a smart CIS add-on that enhances your existing workflows, efficiently billing customers with complex rate structures, programs, and business models.

Cost-effectively implement any complex rate
Calculated intervals per second
Calculated residential bills per hour
Of bill projections within +/- $0.03
Extend the Life of Your CIS

Bill Complex Rates in Existing Systems
Avoid a costly multi-year CIS implementation that places huge demands on budgets and resources. Streamline and optimize utility customer account management.

Reduce the Chance of Mistakes
Eliminate the need for risky manual billing, such as bills calculated using spreadsheets. These are time-consuming and inaccurate. Instead, use GridX Calculate — your efficient billing add-on.
“CIS systems are highly integrated and complex systems…they are not easy to change when new innovation is needed. If not done correctly, it can have adverse effects for both the utility and the customer.”
Kim Schafer
CEO & Founder, Validos
Precise & Timely Billing

Smart Meter Enabled
Gone are the days of old-fashioned meter reading. Eliminate billing errors by using smart meter data to calculate bills precisely, rather than having to rely on manual processes.

Flexible & Agile
Enable quick and cost-effective implementation of new rates, programs, payment methods, and pilots that are otherwise cost- or time-prohibitive to meet regulatory and stakeholder requirements.
Take a Deeper Dive

Complex Rate Analytics Research Report

The energy economics of safe, comfortable homes

How solar and storage are changing ERCOT

The Texas battery boom

Growing crops under solar panels? In Iowa, a utility shows it’s working
Key Features

User-Friendly Interface
Easily view, manage, and report on billing events that occur during the billing process.

Pre-Aggregated Determinants
Accurately and precisely calculate bills based on tariff, contract, rider, option, and tax rules.

Cloud-Based Software
Accelerate implementation with role-based access, and minimal hardware and IT support.
Monthly rate analysis results, including usage breakdown and all attributes and options per scenario.
Real-time rate analysis calculation with the ability to apply modifiers to simulate behavior changes.
CIS Utility Billing Tools FAQ
Here are answers to some common questions about GridX Calculate. If you don’t see an answer to your question, contact us.
GridX Calculate is a software solution designed to integrate with your existing Customer Information Systems (CIS) to provide efficient and accurate billing services for complex rates and programs. It helps you simplify your workflows and create efficiency as a utility provider.
GridX Calculate is the add-on billing engine that allows the utility CIS to cost-effectively implement complex rates. It enables utilities to quickly operationalize and bill customers with complex rate structures, programs and business models, including all versions of Net Energy Metering (NEM), community solar, real-time pricing, and sub-metered EV programs.
GridX offers customer support via email, phone and issue ticketing system. We also provide training and implementation support for customers.
Yes, GridX Calculate is designed to integrate with your CIS system in order to streamline billing processes and improve accuracy.
GridX Calculate delivers increased efficiency and accuracy in billing processes, reduced administrative workload, and improved utility customer experiences. GridX Calculate will improve business processes as well as customer relationships. Gridx Calculate can help utilities accurately bill complex rates, and cut back on the number of exceptions and errors.