Rate Design Reimagined
Develop pricing strategies that incentivize customer behaviors in pursuit of clean energy adoption and grid reliability goals, while ensuring full revenue recovery.

Leverage the full power of customer and smart meter data
Meters supported
Tariffs modeled
Hours saved
Design Any Rate or Tariff You Can Imagine

One Engine to Rule Them All
Easily model proposed tariff structures that provide integrated customer analysis, delivering greater insights in less time.

Design for Now & The Future
Create proposed pricing and tariff structures in a single tool, allowing instant re-calculation of pricing and customer impacts based on any potential change.
“TOU encourages customers to invest in energy conservation measures, load shifting, battery storage, and renewable generation.”
George Chen
Rates Manager, LADWP
Drive Advanced Rate Designs

The Flexibility You Need
Leverage the full power of customer and smart meter data to easily create rate and tariff structures – from those with basic requirements to the most advanced.

No More Spreadsheets
Eliminate processes that are disconnected from source data, such as spreadsheets, that make it difficult to collaborate on proposals and ensure accuracy.
Take a Deeper Dive

Complex Rate Analytics Research Report

Finding Common Ground at NARUC

Unearthing geothermal’s potential for heating and cooling

A data-driven approach to solving an invisible energy crisis

The energy economics of safe, comfortable homes
Make Sense of Mass Data

Get the Insights You Need
Leverage massive amounts of data to design effective advanced rate and tariff structures that meet company objectives.
Key Features
Usage Modification Algorithms
Accurately simulate the effects on customer load profiles across your entire population.
Elegant & Powerful UI
So easy to use, just a few clicks result in targeted analysis for any customer.
Intuitive Segmentation Tools
Quickly understand the unique characteristics of customers across your entire population.
Costing at the interval and daily levels and information that is relevant to the cost of energy usage, such as demand charges.
Monthly rate analysis results, including usage breakdown and all attributes and options per scenario.
Real-time rate analysis calculation with the ability to apply modifiers to simulate behavior changes.
Rate Design Tools for Utility Companies FAQ
Here are answers to common questions about GridX Design. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact us.
GridX Design is a comprehensive tool for developing pricing strategies that incentivize customer behavior changes in pursuit of clean energy adoption and grid reliability goals, while ensuring rate designs lead to full revenue recovery. It enables users to leverage the full power of their customer and smart meter data to easily create rate and tariff structures – from those with basic requirements to the most advanced (present and future) and everything in between.
Rate design is the process utility companies use to set costs for the dependable supply of electricity and energy services. Rate design can impact consumption and investment choices across various energy solutions.
Systemic trends are forcing utilities to confront the need for new rate design.
As the use of more distributed energy resources (DERs) becomes more common, it’s exponentially important for electricity rates and utility costs to evolve in order to ensure people are receiving the correct rate options for their energy storage and consumption.
Smart rate design can take into account a customer’s distributed energy resources. For example, these may include electric vehicles (EVs), batteries, and rooftop solar photovoltaic systems. Customers who are able to use these renewable energy sources generate a portion of their own electricity and are able to supply excess power to the grid.
With an increase in distributed energy resources, companies need to be able to offer net metering options and implement new complex rate designs to better bill customers based on their energy usage and how they contribute to the overall grid.
Having the ability to bill customers equitably, and with the best data and analysis available, enables more customers to use greener energy and to give their surplus energy to the grid.
Utility analytic solutions provide insights into trends and patterns in energy use, identify areas where there are opportunities for improvement, and track progress over time. Not only can this analysis provide utilities with insights into customers personal usage.
Better data and analytics will help energy customers save money, reduce emissions, and improve the efficiency of their energy use. This eases some of the stress on the electrical grid and helps lower costs overall.
Smart meters are a digital system that makes it possible for utilities and their customers to track energy consumption more precisely.
Utilities as well as customers gain real-time information regarding their usage. This helps them monitor energy use and detect potential issues. Plus it eliminates the need for a utilities employee to visit in person to read the meter.
Advanced metering will help pave the way for a greener and more affordable energy future, helping all customer classes, including all classes of residential and commercial customers.
Typically, smart meters connect wirelessly. This allows the smart meters to be conveniently and discreetly placed where they are needed.
Smart meters are designed to transmit data in bursts, rather than transmitting constantly.
How often these data bursts occur may be different depending on the smart meter. However, advanced meters typically transmit information every 15 minutes or so.
Smart appliances that can communicate with the home’s smart meter allow customers to track the electricity use of specific appliances.
These advanced utility meters can help customers increase their energy efficiency and save money by understanding when, why, and how their energy use is impacted.
Smart meters can communicate real-time data on energy usage directly to the electricity customer, homeowner, or utility provider.
This ease of communication helps companies analyze and understand data in order to improve functions for utility companies and their consumers.
Smart meters can send real-time information to the electric utility supplier, making it a better business model, creating a faster demand response time, and helping customers and companies better understand the cost causation of their choices.