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GridX Nabs a Communicator Award for Its With Great Power Podcast

The Award of Distinction recognizes With Great Power for exceeding industry standards in quality and achievement in business-to-business communications.

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May 16, 2024, Walnut Creek CA – GridX continues to collect accolades for its podcast, With Great Power, the latest being an Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards. This follows achieving the status of being the #1 podcast in energy, sustainability, and climate change from Goodpods.

In its third season and produced in partnership with Latitude Media, With Great Power is a show about the people building the future grid, today. Each episode features stories about the technology, climate, security, and economic shifts that are reshaping utilities and the electricity system.

GridX Vice President of Marketing and Partnerships and host of With Great Power, Brad Langley, was thrilled to hear of the award win. “I’m proud to give a voice to the bright minds behind the energy transition. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to speak with executives and thought leaders from all corners of the industry, not only about the work they are doing, but what inspired them to take on this monumental task. They give us their time so the least we can do is create a high-quality show that resonates with our audience and this award validates that we are doing just that.”

Celebrating its 30th year, The Communicator Awards recognizes excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication. They are committed to honoring work that transcends craft—work that makes a lasting impact.

“We are big believers in the power of podcasts to tell human-centric stories that are at the heart of the energy transition,” says Latitude Media Co-Founder and Executive Editor Stephen Lacey. “This award is a testament to the work from our production team on identifying great guests, uncovering personal anecdotes, and exploring innovations that are driving the energy industry forward – and ultimately producing a show that people want to listen to.”



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Bethany Ruhe


About GridX, Inc.

GridX partners with utilities and energy suppliers to transform their businesses and accelerate the clean energy transition. The company’s Enterprise Rate Platform helps these organizations to develop new products and business models to achieve their clean energy goals; quickly operationalize new offerings in their billing and settlement processes; and better engage with their customers for broader program adoption. GridX’s platform is used by leading utilities, retail energy suppliers and energy ecosystem OEMs to serve more than 26 million homes and businesses. For more information, visit

About Latitude Media

Latitude Media covers the new frontiers of the energy transition through in-depth B2B news, research, events, and podcasts. We dive deep into the trends and stories that matter most to professionals across the sector, with critical insights that cut through the hype and inform business decisions. Latitude Media helps investors, utilities, energy firms, and startups navigate the next era of the energy transition with rigorous business journalism and industry-leading market analysis. For more information, visit


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